Sunday, May 22, 2011

Things to do

So now that Hooters is in the books its time to work on the business a little. First thing I want to do is Work on a logo and a business card. That way I can get my name out there and advertise. The second thing I really want to get done in the coming days is to talk to a few photographers about mentoring and looking at my work. I love all the fans of pictures and love the comments I receive from my fans. However, I will always need a seasoned veteran to help analyze my photo-taking style and help me address areas that I weak on. Third thing I want to get done again this week  is shooting my 1,000 pictures per week goal. It's a steep number as of right now but I need that to push myself and to get the shots I need so I can start selling some pictures. As well, 1,000 pictures helps me scout new locations and connect with people to continue shooting. The fourth thing that I know that'll get done this week is going to see Otis Ogburn at the food stand to show him the pictures I shot Wednesday. The turned out great and look forward to what we can do to work together to get some of my pictures in printed media. Lastly, I will be doing some admin work on the company. Emailing contacts I had made at Hooters as well as drumming up more Facebook business for people wanting to help me out with my portfolio.

To recap, the list for this coming week is as follows:

  1. Logo and Business Cards
  2. Mentoring/Photo Critique
  3. 1,000 per week achieved again
  4. Visit Otis to get some advertising for our businesses
  5. Email Contacts made over the past week
This post is more or less to help me keep track of things. But also keep you guys in the loop. As well, if anyone has any helpful tips on knocking out anything on the list I will greatly appreciate it!

   Two Fish


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