Wednesday, May 18, 2011

It's Finally Over!

After an extensive search and rehashing of old java code books I've FINALLY been able to convert the red theme of my template to a nice #000099 blue.

The template can be found here:

Just showing off really all that was changed. But I seriously want to strangle this author though. I mean 8 shades of red? REALLY? And not all were in nice little classes so they were easy to find. NOOOoooo. This was a labor of slight dislike. Nevertheless, many thanks goes to the author and the hard work coding the template. Tip for next time, lay off so many slight shades of the same color.

Anywho, the blog should now be good to go. With the ground work set I don't see much else holding me back other than the writing of it. I think my next step is to maybe post a little bit about what's in store for Two Fish and I: establishing an identity, the equipment and where it still needs to grow, and the difficulties of what step comes first in trying to get off the ground.

At the end of the day, I'm very happy with what I've got done. Even more impressed that I remember enough coding to be dangerous and was able to come out of the whole process with a "site" I can finally share with people. Cross my fingers that as I grow I don't find anymore red...

It's 5:50am. I'm out,
   Two Fish


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