Typically two versions of the lens are sold. One with simple construction and decent aperture. The one I'm using and typically the best lens for any photographer, especially beginner to intermediate, to own is the 50mm f1.8. Now I'm a Canon shooter so this is my guy (here). Now with most entry level lenses: they are the good, will do the trick, and if you're none-the-wiser--will be only lens you'll buy. However, just for use people who've got to have the latest and greatest they have the luxury series 50mm. Typically this 50mm will also boast a f1.4 or in some cases even an f1.2. This is a huge increase in the amount of light the camera can take it before requiring a flash for exposure. An example of the luxury 50 mm by Canon (here). The major points that make it luxury are a focusing ring that tells you at what distancing you're focusing to, a fixed front optic os pesky filters don't rotate on you as you're focusing, and always having a wider aperture for more light sensitivity.
So why blog about all of this? Simple. It's one of the lenses I love and I thought to myself I should master this lens if I love it so much. Now, I've shot with this lens a decent bit already. My favorite model right now has to be Rolo the English Bully (here). My main man loves the camera and loves the 50mm. Almost all of his shoots are done with 50mm. Picks up great detail and nice bokeh (what the heck is bokeh?--Wiki). This is also where my skill level shows. Not all the time do I get the right things in focus nor do I expose properly. Sometimes this is on purpose and is the effect I'm going for. Other times its cause I still don't have a firm grasp on this amazing lens.
Starting Monday May 24, it'll be the nifty 50mm all week in hopes of learning the ins and outs of the lens. Specially how to control the aperture for the proper amount of bokeh I get from each setting. How to balance the ambient light with any fill flash. Also, work on that dang flash and how it works! I think too, like some photographers have done, I might try to see if it is a lens I can build an artistic image with. A sorta brand if you will to the style of pictures I will end of taking. Whatever the outcome, I'm looking forward to shooting more pictures and to the lens they call the Nifty 50.
And what better to do when making a blog about a lens you own? Whip on the camera, use the laptop screen as one source of light, a closet light for another, and the flash to make a few pics to show people the lens. Then, I got all fancy and artistic and shot just the rim on macro mode with one of my other lenses. Hope you enjoy the artistic nature of them.
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